Relaxed and Content
A relaxed and happy dog displays clear signs of comfort. You’ll notice a loose body posture, soft or slightly squinted eyes, a slightly open mouth with a relaxed tongue, and a tail wagging gently from side to side. These are all indicators that your dog feels safe and at ease in their environment.
Alert and Curious
When something catches your dog’s attention, their body language shifts. Their ears perk up and face forward, their eyes focus intently on the object of interest, and their tail is often held high, sometimes wagging slowly. They may also shift their weight slightly forward, signaling readiness to act or investigate.
Anxious or Stressed
Signs of stress in dogs are often subtle at first. You might notice them yawning when they aren’t tired, licking their lips excessively, or turning their head or body away to avoid interaction. Restlessness, such as pacing, is another common signal that your dog is feeling anxious or uncomfortable.
Fearful or Threatened
A scared or threatened dog shows more pronounced body language. They may tuck their tail tightly under their body, flatten their ears back against their head, and display wide eyes with the whites visible (“whale eye”). Defensive behaviors like growling, baring teeth, or crouching are also common when they feel unsafe.
Playful or Excited
Playful dogs communicate their excitement with exaggerated movements. The classic play-bow with front legs lowered and their rear end up is a clear invitation to engage. They may also wag their tails rapidly in wide arcs, bounce or jump in place, and keep their mouths open with a happy, “smiling” expression.
Overstimulation and Discomfort
Overstimulation happens when excitement becomes overwhelming. Signs include rapid panting or barking, excessive jumping on people or objects, and difficulty calming down or focusing. Redirect their energy into a calming activity to help them regain balance.
Your dog’s body language is their way of communicating emotions and needs. By recognizing and responding to their signals, you can strengthen your bond, prevent unwanted behaviors, and create a happier, healthier relationship with your furry friend.